✋🏼5 arguments why (and how) you need to use Time To Process to skyrocket whatever you're up to.

I was never into quick reading. I also never understood competitions to read X number of books a year.
What interested me was immersion.
Then I discovered Deep Work and started studying what makes a difference when embracing the new and creating things that make a difference.
🕒 What is Time To Process?
It's the time necessary for you to digest a piece of information or a situation. It's not universal; it's individual and depends on your nervous system.
It's also characterised by being free from other's thoughts - be it music, a book or an article.
Do you remember those great ideas that came when you were showering?
This is you using Time To Process.
In the shower, you cannot read a book, it's also hard to listen to music or talk with anyone.
In these moments you are alone with your thoughts and magical things come to happen.
💡How to use it?
1/ Self retreat
Once a year I go on holidays with myself. I do this to process what's going on in my life, stop and reflect.
A week does the trick to refocus on what's essential and escape tunnel vision and blind-habitual living.
2/ Book time for doing nothing at work
In every role, there is more work to do than time. Always.
By booking 1-3 hours per week (in 20-30 min slots) to be idle, you increase the serendipity of making breakthrough thoughts that solve real problems.
You stop using the same solutions to different scenarios as a reflex and start getting creative.
Go for a walk without your phone. Sit down with a good coffee and look outside the window. Meditate. Whatever works for you.
3/ Book slots for Deep Work
Book time for uninterrupted, focused work without ANY distractions. Start with 2-3 hour slots. Devote them to a single complex and creative task you want to nail.
Read to learn more:
4/ Debrief your day
At the end of each day leave 30 min to run a list of things left to do.
Next to them, put a note about what is left and what is the nearest step.
Your brain won't bother you with reminders as you already noted down what is to be done; thus no need to remember.
You will start your next day without anxiety freeing your mind to be creative or rest and use Time To Process.
5/ Leave unscheduled time
When you book your day with meetings, you already programme your mind and leave little space for what might appear.
Instead, don't book any meetings for 1 day during the week and when that day comes - embrace what shows up:
an idea to brainstorm with your colleagues
a deep work session on that problem you have wanted to solve for weeks
a new idea for a workshop
tidying your roadmap or inbox
ideas on how to automate your work
Whatever comes in the moment - focus on that.
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