This state is when I'm at my best when writing articles, photography, nurturing change or conversing with others, to name a few. Here's what it could do for you.👇🏼
What is creating - making new quality - thoughts, content, products, change.
What is consuming - reading, listening, watching others' content.
When we consume more than we create, our thoughts become blurry, and judgement becomes clouded with little to none of our own reflection.
What does 💡 > 🍽️ mean in practice:
leaving space for emergence, integrating the knowledge you have
making peace with being idle and enjoying it
creating new value for others by connecting the dots, getting yourself out there
starting to monetize your creativity - whether that's by pure satisfaction of giving, improving people's well-being or earning hard cash (while doing all of the above)
Why it's worth it?
→ quality of your thoughts increases
→ making discoveries and improving your or other's lives
→ quicker to connect the dots where you weren’t able before due to the habit of mental exercise
→ legacy - most people consume; when you create, you can leave your mark in the world
→ it brings a wealth of satisfaction and pure happiness; you feel connected
So stop frantically consuming everything around you (if that's what you do), extinguish your FOMO and start making a difference by actually doing the (hard) work.
It's nice to have a breadth of theory, but it's even nicer to make a difference.
Subscriber extras:
If you’d like to deepen the topic, head on to Chase Jarvis’ podcast to get a handful of thoughts on the subject. I also recommend reading his book titled “Creative Calling” which, as no other, shares the gist of how to build up your creative habits.
To consume less and in a more digested format head to Mailbrew where you can combine all your subscriptions and get only one digest of your choice every now and then. I use it and am thinking of opening my lists to public. If that happens you’ll be the first one to know.
PS. As you probably noticed I changed the title of the Substack from "Don’t be agile” to “Marcin’s Newsletter”. The former was always a working title and, as it’s only me curating and writing to you, the latter makes much more sense.
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